
我們的非洲鼓 (Djembe) 工作坊能讓你體驗節奏與打擊樂的魅力。非洲鼓起源於西非,是一種充滿凝聚力的樂器,它跨越語言與文化的障礙,將人們聚集在一起。

Our Ukulele Workshop is a fun and beginner-friendly way to explore music while improving people connection and creativity. This small yet versatile instrument is perfect for participants of all ages and backgrounds, offering a simple and accessible gateway to experience music.

形式10 - 20人小組工作坊
對象少數族裔中小學生 在港工作的少數族裔人士 任何能力人士 長者
時長1.5 - 2 小時

Class size: 10 - 20 people
Targets: Minority youth / working minority groups / people with all abilities / elderly
Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours

or email us at info@beyondnoteshk.com


  • 基本的打鼓技巧與傳統節奏。

  • 如何參與鼓圈,共同創造和諧的音樂。

  • 非洲鼓的文化意義及其在社區建設中的角色。


  • 少數族裔中小學生: 以有趣且互動的方式學習音樂,建立自信心和社區連結。

  • 在港工作的少數族裔人士 : 提供音樂療癒,促進靈活性與心理健康。鼓勵團隊合作與互動的聯繫活動

  • 任何能力人士 長者: 鼓勵團隊合作與互動的聯繫活動。


  • 適合所有技能水平,無需任何音樂經驗。

  • 鼓勵自我表達與團隊合作。

  • 透過節奏的共鳴,與他人建立深刻的連結。

What You’ll Learn:

  • Basic drumming techniques and traditional rhythms.

  • How to play as part of a drum circle, creating harmony in a group setting.

  • The cultural significance of the djembe and its role in community building.

Who Is It For?

  • EM youth: A playful and engaging way to learn music while building confidence.

  • Working minority groups: A therapeutic activity that promotes dexterity and mental well-being.

  • People with all abilities and elderly: A bonding experience to foster connection and teamwork.

Why Djembe?

  • Accessible to all skill levels, no prior musical experience required.

  • Encourages self-expression and collaboration.

  • A unique way to connect with others through the universal language of rhythm.